The Aliona Vinnytska's Charitable Foundation met with veterans of Obukhiv

The meeting with veterans and their families was organised by the Obukhiv branch of the Kyiv Regional Employment Centre. At the meeting, The Aliona Vinnytska's Charitable Foundation presented a unique programme called "NEW PROSPECT", which has no analogues in Ukraine.
The programme offers veterans psychological rehabilitation and then training in the profession of psychologist. They will study for a master's degree in psychology at the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Upon graduation, they will receive a diploma from this university. The Foundation also guarantees support in obtaining certificates and employment. The programme is completely free of charge for its participants.  
The NEW PROSPECT programme consists of several stages:
- "Veteran's Hut": for 3 months on weekends, participants stay in a sanatorium and undergo a de-stressing programme - group and individual psychological sessions, art hours, walks, swimming pool, etc;
- Pre-professional preparation for admission to the Master's programme in Psychology at the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv: online training conducted by university teachers;
- Studying for a master's degree in psychology
- Post-master's support, assistance in obtaining certificates and employment.
The methodology for training veterans in this profession was developed by Oleksandr Tkachenko, Doctor of Psychology, Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology, who is a veteran of the Russian-Ukrainian war.

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