Participants of the first round of the "Veteran's Hut" project received certificates of completion of the program

The "Veteran's Hut" hosted the first graduation of the programme participants.

Three months flew by unnoticed. During this time, the programme participants managed to become a team. On the occasion of the completion of the first part of the large rehabilitation and educational programme for veterans and their families, namely the "Veteran's Hut", the CF of Alona Vinnytska arranged a solemn presentation of special certificates.

The participants of the first graduation of the "Veteran's Hut" received their certificates of completion personally from the hands of the founder of the foundation, Aliona Vinnytska, and the Dean of the Faculty of Psychology of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ivan Danyliuk. 

In addition, this evening, the director of the Kyiv Regional Employment Service Denis Darmostuk handed veterans vouchers for training, which they will use to study for a master's degree in psychology at the Kyiv National University. And the head of the department of developmental psychology Olena Vlasova presented certificates of completion of the "Summer School."
As a reminder, a new programme of psychological recovery and preparation for studying the profession of psychologist was launched in spring for our veterans, their families, and women who have experienced significant traumatic experiences due to the war. 
For three months, the programme participants attended group and individual psychological sessions based on the author's methodology of the programme's leading psychologist, a veteran of the Russian-Ukrainian war and a lecturer at the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Oleksandr Tkachenko. At the same time, university professors prepared the participants for the test for admission to a master's degree programme in psychology. The authors of the programme also assure that they will continue to support the participants after graduation, including with employment assistance.

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