For the first time in Ukraine veterans of the Russian-Ukrainian war will be trained as psychologists

The Aliona Vinnytska's Charitable Foundation announces the launch of a unique charitable and social programme NEW PROSPECT for psychological recovery and education of veterans of the Russian-Ukrainian war. The programme is implemented in cooperation with the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv and the State Employment Service.
The programme is unique in that it provides psychological support to veterans and their families and helps them to obtain the profession of psychologist. According to the founders of New Perspectives, only a specialist who has had military experience can gain the trust of other veterans and best help them find a new self and find their way in civilian life.

The author of the idea and the leading psychologist of the programme is Oleksandr Tkachenko, Doctor of Psychology, a military psychologist and veteran of the Russian-Ukrainian war. He himself went from demobilisation, researching the psychology of Ukrainian defenders and defending his doctoral dissertation to finding a new place in his profession and life, and therefore considers himself the first "product" of his own methodology. The proposed programme takes into account the psychological characteristics of Ukrainian veterans who fought on their own territory, when the defender's motivation and the "post-traumatic growth effect" dominate.

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